Monday, August 11, 2008

Man its Monday already.....

Hope everyone had a great weekend. The weather was great.

Well I did it. I cut all my hair off. It is hits just about at my chin. Not sure if I like it yet or not. I haven't really played with it enough to see what all I can do with it. This weekend I just ran a flat iron through it and went. That part I like, it doesn't take long to fix. I haven't tried it curly yet, may do that tonight.

I didn't get into much this weekend. Christon had to work so I went to Mom and Dad's. Bubby and Becca both had to work so he took lil mac over to Emily to watch on Sat. I go up about 10am and took a shower and went on over there. We played outside and watched TV. I went home about 7pm. Me and Christon watched some TV and were in bed early.

Sunday I got up and watched some TV. Bubby called about 10am and wanted me to bring him some dip. So after my movie went off I got ready then headed that way. Him and dad were helping Wally put in steps into the river and Becca had to work again, so lil mac was at mom's with Emily. Lil mac had just woke up from her nap when I got there and was hungry. So I fed her some apple sauce. We watched CMT and danced, lil mac LOVES to dance. Later that evening I took her outside and we just sit on the front porch. When I got outside I noticed the wasp nest over the door. It only had one wasp on it so I was like if we don't mess with it we will be fine. While lil mac was watching mom's wind chimes I notices more on the corner of the house. I think I counted about 16 on one nest. So we went in. Not long after mom yelled from the kitchen supper was done. We had pork roast, squash, scallop potatoes, mac and cheese, broccoli casserole, dressing, green beans, brown beans and corn bread. I ate enough to make my self sick. After eating we went outside and put lil mac's swing up, she had a blast. We hadn't been out there long and some of Emily's friends rode up on horses. Lil mac loved them, I was afraid she would be scared of them b/c they are so big. They put her on one and she LOVED it. Emily rode her around the yard for a lil bit. When Emily stopped she got mad, she wanted to keep going. After they left we went in b/c the bugs were getting bad and lil mac had gotten eaten up the day before. I gave lil mac a bath so Becca wouldn't have to and we sat back down at the table with Bubby. I fixed me a small plate and lil mac and I shared it. Not long after Becca came in. I fixed a plate to take home to Christon. I left there a lil before 9pm. I went straight home b/c Army Wives was coming on. I missed the first 15min of it but I will watch that today at lunch. After that went off I took shower and went to bed.

Everyone have a great day.

1 comment:

Laurie Keen said...

so does your hair look like mine? i think you will like it better!

Small trick...Spray 409 on wasp or bees and it drops them like it is hot and kills them! Of course I spray them a couple of time to be on the safe side! LOVE IT!!!