Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Last Vandy Visit....

Good morning everyone. Today is going to be an easy but long day. We don't have patients until 1pm today. Brad and his wife Kim are at the Doc office as I type finding out the sex of there lil one on the way. They already have a lil girl, Taylor. Me and Jenel told him that me and her would have the boys and he would have another girl. He sort of agreed with us but didn't really want to.

With Brad being out last week and the coverage we had just half done everything we are all playing catch up. Everything I had planned to do this morning while I was here alone Brad had to take home with him last night to finish. So needless to say I have nothing to do this morning.

Well since I have the time I will fill everyone in about my last visit to Vandy.

We get there, I make my routine bathroom stop and we find a seat and a magazine to help pass the time. After waiting for what seemed to be for ever they call us back. We get in the room, she take my vitals and hands me a cup. She wants a urine sample, I just look at her and laugh, she was like you just went didn't you. She said it was fine and left the cup just in case I could go. I just laughed at her. One doc (Dr. Brown) came in and asked how I was doing, she asked me a few questions about what test I had had done since my last visit. I told her that I had my liver ultrasound and been to see the pulmonologist. We talked a lil more and she said that the other doc would be in just in a few min. Not much longer she came in. It wasn't Dr. Linzey (the one I had seen before) it was her partner. She asked me almost the same questions Dr. Brown did. Then she asked if I had any questions for her. I asked about the results of my liver ultrasound. She was like Dr. Beverly didn't go over these with you? I told her no. She said that I do have a small AVM in the lower part of my liver but nothing to worry about and that we would just keep an eye on it. I also asked her about were I would deliver at. She came back with the same question as the last question. Dr. Beverly didn't send you a letter on that? I told her no, that I had an appointment with him the next week and that was it. She pulled up the letter in my cart and read it to me.
-Dear Dr. Linzey,

In reference to patient Brandy L. Howard I am releasing all care to you and your staff.

There was more than that in letter but after I heard that I didn't hear anything else b/c I was so mad. I wasn't mad that I had to move all my care to Nashville, that was fine. I was mad b/c Dr. Beverly's office had never informed me of this. I felt that I should have had a letter before or the same time Vandy did. I just felt like I should of found out about this from his office. Also the main reason I wanted to know was b/c there was no since in me paying Dr. Beverly money for my care and Vanderbilt also. When knowing in the back of my mind that when it really came down to it Dr. Beverly was probably going to back out at the last minute after he had my money. After she had told me about this she knew I was mad. I told her why and she understood completely and also was upset that Dr. Beverly had not told me about this either. After all that we discussed what we needed to do next. She told me to keep my appointment with the pulmonologist, and that I needed to see Dr. Stein again, my hematologist at Vandy. She ordered some blood work and sent me to the lab. After getting my labs done we went and grabbed a small bite to eat there in the hospital. We had to be back up there at 1pm for our ultrasound. Everything look fine with ultrasound. After that we were done with docs for the day.

We went and found us a hotel room for the night and went to IHOP to eat. We ran by wal-mart to get something for Christon's headache and went back to the room. I was worn completely out so I took a nap. We got up about 9pm to go eat and went back to the room and went to bed. We had to be at the Children's Hospital at 8am for the baby's heart echo. Everything looked great with the baby's heart. I have to go back to see them in a few weeks.

After all the doctor visits were done we went shopping. Well we didn't buy anything we just looked. It was great to look at things knowing to look at boy stuff. They have huge babies r us there. I wanted everything. We did pick a few things out that we wanted and got some paper work on the beds that I liked.

I am to go back to Vandy on Monday the 18th and go to the Pediatric Cardio doc the next week. This week I go to my Pulmonologist on Thur.

Well hope I didn't bore everyone with this one. Everyone have a great rest of the day.


Ashley Bridges said...

I am glad everything is looking for you....I would be upset to about the whole doctor change... Well at least at Vandy you know you are in good hands... TTYL!

Anonymous said...

Bless your Heart Brandy! You will hate the doctor when the Baby gets here! I think about you daily! Boys are a lot of trouble, or atleast they have been for us :-) I am glad the Baby looks great, Hange in there, you are over half way there!Love ya!

Beth said...

It's a boy! Yeah! I'm sorry you are having Dr. troubles but glad things with your health are going okay.

You're always in my prayers!
