Monday, July 7, 2008

Not doing so HOT!!!

It has been a long weekend and I can feel it. Even though we didn't do much I am worn out.

Thursday afternoon I went to see Dr. Gover to have my counts checked and I knew they were low. So I wasn't too surprised when he told me they were 8 :(. So our plan was to get iron intravenously over the weekend. But after thinking about the risks off it maybe hurting the baby I decided not to get. I would rather take a unit of blood, it is safer for the baby. With it being the holiday weekend I wasn't able to get a hold of my doctor and he is off today. I will call him tomorrow to get the orders changed. I have to do something. I can't blow dry my hair and straighten my hair with out sitting down. What use to be easy for me takes every bit of energy I have to do (that is why I knew it was low). I got home from the dr and we headed to the Catfish Festival for the girls pageant. We had to park 50 miles away and I thought I was never going to make it. It was a good thing we got there early or I would have missed it for all the breaks I took walking I helped Becca get lil mac ready and as Becca is tying her straps one comes off. Becca freaks, which she was already a nervous wreck. So I told her we could tie it as a haulter top and cut the other string off. It looked just fine. The weather was nasty and raining but they went on with the show. Both girls did great but neither placed. I really didn't think it was fair that an 8 mon old had to compete with a 12 mon old, but they still look beautiful to me. After the girls was over it was time for Carson's to start and as soon as they get them lined up it started to rain again. That is when they decided to finally move it to a pavilion. Me and Becca were both starving so we all went to the Farm Boy to eat supper.

Friday was a nasty day. Bubby called about 9:30 and woke us up to tell us he was on his way. Him and lil Mac were going to come over and hang out with us for the day. They got there and I played in the floor with her. Christon wanted to go the Whitaker's Gun shop so I ran and got ready. We went over there and then Bubby took us to the job sight they had been working at. We got home and bub wanted to go to a cookout at a friends house. He left lil mac with us and we were to meet up with him and Becca that the fire works in town. He called a few hours later to tell us that they had rescheduled the fire works for Sat night. So Becca came and got lil mac when she got off work. It wasn't long after she left that I went to bed.

Saturday we got up and did NOTHING all day. I finally got off the couch about 6:30 and started getting ready. I was going to the Catfish Festival or somewhere to watch the fire works whether he wanted to go or not. While I was in the shower Tiff called and wanted us to go up there to watch the fire works with them. We decided to go over there with them. We had a great view of them from Jas and Tiff's hill, too it wasn't too loud for the kids. It took them for ever but Christon, Jerry, Jason, and Brandon finally got us a fire going to roast marshmallows, yeah it took all of them and some gas to get it going....LOL. The kids had a blast making somores. Bub and Becca wanted to go out so they dropped lil mac off at Tiff's house to spend the night with me. She was asleep until we walked into the house and she was wide awake. She played with Hannah and Emma for a bit and it was time to go back to sleep. We stayed over there until about 1am watching the UFC fight on PPV.

Sunday lil mac woke me up about 8 and wanted a clean diaper and a bottle. She had her bottle and back to bed. We woke back up about 11. We played a bit and watched tv. She got hungry about the time I started fixing me something to eat. Christon finished my muffins I was cooking while I fed her her favorite, Bananas. We did better this time eating. When I fed her sweet potatoes on Friday we had them everywhere. I would give her a bite and she would stick her toes in her mouth. She had it in her nose, on her hands, on her feet and on my couch. Christon just laughed at her. After we both ate we loaded up and headed to Provo. Christon had to mow Dad and Bubby's yards. While he mowed me and Becca went to Wal-Mart in Central City. We both had to get a few things. We stopped and got us some Long John Silvers on the way back. We went to mom' s when we got back and hung out there for a while. Bubby took dad's new backhoe to the Wrong bottoms to play. Me, Becca and lil Mac went down there to see what kind of damage he had done. We stayed down there for a lil while until lil mac got fussy and we headed back to mom and dad's. Mom had left to go and get dad so me and Becca went on the her house. We gave lil mac a bath and Becca tryed out her new vacuum cleaner. Christon and Bubby came in not long after. We stayed there a lil bit and then went on home. I wanted to stop and get some strawberries so we stopped at IGA North (old Foodland) and they didn't have any. I was pissed. We got stuff to make BLTs. We got home and I cooked bacon and made BLTs while we watched my favorite new show (since Grey's is off) Army Wives. I washed a load of laundry and went to bed.

Hope everyone has a great rest of the week. Also continue to pray for the Tyree and Hunt family. Suzie is a very sick woman and she is wanting to come home but not sure if that is possible at this time.

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