Thursday, September 4, 2008


Sorry it has been so long updating. With the short week it has been crazy here at the office.
I hope everyone had a great labor day weekend. We didn't do much b/c it was so hot out.
Saturday Christon's dad put his car in the car show at Greenville. They left about 7:30 and Bubby, lil mac and I met them over there later that morning. It was SOOOO hot. We did stay for a while. We looked at all the cars, I think there were about 180 there. Me, lil mac, Christon's mom and aunt went into a store so they could look around and cool off. After that I told Bubby I was ready to go, I knew if I was miserabley hot lil mac was too. So we went on home. I hung out there for a while and watched tv w/ Bubby while lil mac played. Let me tell ya watching tv w/ Bubby is not fun. He puts it on a channel long enough for you to get interested in the show and then turns it. If you have ever rode in a car with Jonna Lee she is the same way with the radio, he is as bad (if not worse) as she is. Laurie you know what I am talking about. Well back to my story. He got ready to go to the river and helped me get her bags together for her to stay the night with me. On the way home I called Christon and they were still at the car show so I stopped at Jason and Tiff's to visit w/ them. On the way there I noticed lil mac wasn't happy at all and when I got her out of her car seat I knew why. She had messed her diaper and it was all the way up her back. It was on the car seat, her clothes, and now me. I get her in the house and Tiff helps me get her cleaned up. We let the girls play while we caught up with each other. She said that they had had a rough day. Earlier while she was cleaning Emma was pushing one of the kitchen chairs around following her and fell, as she fell the chair went with her and landed on top of her giving her a pretty nice brus on her fore head.

Then while Emma was in the laudary room w/ Tiff she cut her leg on something. Tiff said she's afraid someone is going to think she beats her kids. I told her no one will think that they know that accidents happen and kids will be kids. Then Jerry (Tiff's dad) came in. He had walked over just to see what was going on. Hannah ended up walking back home w/ him. Tiff wanted to get Emma asleep so I went on to Christon's mom and dad's. We ate dinner and then went outside for a bit. Lil mac LOVES it outside. We went and swung in the new gazeebo his mom had gotten.
Isn't she just adorable.
We left there about 9pm and I knew she was goin to go to sleep on the way home and she had to have a bath. She had sun screen on and where we had been outside most of the day she had to have one. So when getting her out of the car seat I woke her up. We got in and I give her a bath (which she was not happy about) and I figured she would go back to sleep. So I jump in the shower hopeing Christon will have her asleep when I get out. NO they are both wide awake playing. I was ready to go to bed but she wasn't. So I just let her play, there was no since in fighting w/ her. When she started to get fussy I fixed her a bottle and she went to sleep before finishing it and we both went to bed.

I have to get some stuff done today before I leave and I have to leave early today. I am having my glucose test done today and doing some shopping for Hannah's birthday on Saturday. So I will update so. Everyone have a great day.

1 comment:

Laurie Keen said...

oh the days with Little Mac is getting so big.....