Monday, September 29, 2008

It's been a lil crazy....

Sorry I haven't updated in a long while. It has been crazy here at work since I have been out. I was out 2 days last week and I've been playing catch up since last Thur.

Well all my doc appointments went great last week. We don't have to go back and see the heart doc or my blood doc unless I need them. The heart doc said everything looked great from what an ultra sound could tell us, and that I won't have to see him again unless we find something wrong after he gets here. The blood doc was happy w/ my progress and my counts so I won't have to see him unless I need blood or iron which will hopefully won't be anytime soon.

I got my glucose results back that weren't so good, it was 170. But Dr. Garrison thinks they gave me the wrong test. So I went today to have the test again. I should get those results back w/ in a day or two. I will see Dr. Garrison next week for my 2 wk check.
I go back to Nashville this Wed. to see a lung doc. Hopefully we will pass all her test too. This actually one of the most important exams I will have. They will be looking for AVM's in my lungs. They already know that I have one in my liver (which isn't a big deal) but we are praying I don't have any in my lungs. I can also have them in my spine and I will have a MRI done to see if I have any there. So please remember me in your prayers on Wed.

On a better note.
There are so many other things I need to tell.....were to begin.....

Mackenzie is walking!!! But still wants to craw b/c she knows she can get there faster that way.

Emily is in football homecoming.

Mom and Becca are planning my baby shower for this Sunday at Provo Community Center at 2pm all are invited.

Can't remember if I told you or not but I do have the baby's room cleaned out and is ready to paint. His bedding is almost done (Christon's mom is making it). I didn't go with a "theme" just certain colors, navy blue, tan, burgundy, and hunter green, all plad.

One last thing we still don't have a name......

Well I better get back to work only an hour left to go. Hope everyone has a great week.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What is AVVM?? We are dumb Brandy and don't know medical terminology LOL