Wednesday, September 17, 2008

12 wks and counting....

Believe it or not I only have 12 wks to go. I haven't gotten nervous yet but I am sure that part will show up soon. I am quite a bit larger than I was a few weeks ago and we (baby and I) are continuing to grow.

I go to the doctor or I should say doctors next week. I was to go back this week but was able to push it back one more week so that I can see all my doctors with in 2 days of each other. I see Dr. Peera (baby's heart doc) 8:30 Tue morning, then from there we will visit w/ Dr. Garrison (OB) at 11 then hopefully find a hotel room and rest some before we go out on the town that We will most likely eat and go to bed, b/c we have to be back at the hospital to visit w/ Dr. Stein (my hematologist) at 8:30 Wed morning. After this appointment I will start going every 2 wks and Christon isn't very happy about it at all and I don't really understand why. He knew that it would eventually have to happen but I think it has snuck up on him also w/ gas prices up and having a gas hog to drive he is a lil worried about the money, which I am too. Not sure yet what I am going to do when I have to start going every week. With his schedule he won't be able to go with me and I hate asking anyone else to go, but I will cross that bridge when it gets here.

We have started on his room. Christon's mom and dad came over on Sunday and we got it cleaned out. Before we started you couldn't even see the floor let alone walk through it. His mom has started on making the bedding and she is picking up the paint sometime this week. I hope to get it painted in the next week or two.

Mom and Becca are planning my baby shower for October 5th at 2pm at the Provo Community Center. We are registered at Target and Wal-Mart. I hope everyone can attend. This weekend is Friend and Family Day at Belmont and Leigh is coming in. I am excited to compare bellies w/ her once more. Hopefully this time we can get some pics made so I can share. Heaven's Gaits and Hell's flames has been rescheduled for Oct 12th, 13th, and 14th just wanted to let everyone know.

Also I want to think everyone for praying for my grandmother. She is still in the hospital but doing good. She had a cardiac cath done Monday. She had one 100% blockage and one 99% blockage. They wanted to do surgery but with her other health problems they were afraid healing would be a problem. So they put 2 stints in and we are praying for the best. So if you will please continue to pray for her and our family.

I want to give you a name up date.....WE STILL DON'T HAVE ONE. When he came up with Riley I said no then I started to like well then he changes his mind. Now he is stuck on Memphis, and that isn't going to happen at all. So we are still looking and taking suggestions.

Hope everyone has a great rest of the week.


DJ and Jill said...

You know I'll go down to Vandy with you anytime you want!!

Amber said...

Hey Brandy! I check in on your blog to see how you and baby are doing. We had the same trouble when trying to find a name for my little one. Have you tried combining some names of some of your family or close friends. Jameson's middle name is Kylynn. A combo of Kyle, his uncle Denley Kyle and Lynn after my brother and dad, Jamie Lynn and Barry Lynn. It gives a little sentimental value and gives them something very original! Best of luck!

Amber (Givens) Renfrow