Wednesday, November 5, 2008

SOOOO much to tell.....

Ok so it has been a long time since I have posted. I do apologize for that but thing have went crazy.

Were to start.....

I had my baby shower with Christon's family on Oct 25th. His mom and dad got me my bed and I got a lot of other great things. Later that night we went over to Jason and Tiff's and watched UFC. I had pictures with Laurie the next day. We had a great time catching up and goofing off. I LOVE my pics...Thank you Laurie.

After taking pics with Laurie I went home. I was having some pain. I just thought it was something I had ate and put it off and went to bed. I got up Monday morning and got ready for work. I was still in pain. The more I moved around the worse it got. I made it to work but didn't stay long. I left and headed to Vanderbilt. After making sure I wasn't in labor they ran all kinds of blood work and an ultra sound. The ultra sound was to see if anything was wrong with my appendix, or gal bladder, which they couldn't find anything wrong. They kept me in L & D and monitored me and the baby. They went ahead and gave me the steroid shot for his lungs for "just in case". I hadn't eat all day so after they decided I wasn't in labor and it was anything surgical they FINALLY let me eat. Christon ran down stairs to McDonald's and got me something to eat. It was about 7pm and they moved me to a regular room. Not long after one of the 20 doctors came in. Even though I wasn't in any pain they decided to keep me. I had to have a few test ran anyways and I also had to have the second part of the shot for his lungs. We got home about 9pm that Tue night.

Coming back to work things were crazy. After playing catch-up for a few days at work I was ready for the weekend. Saturday was Carson and Emma's birthday parties. Also Garrett and Becca were going to get pics made at Laurie's. So I went along with them to help with lil Mac. They had Christmas pics done and lil Mac's birthday pics. To get the lil turd to smile I would say "wuz up" and she would repeat me.....Laurie was laughing at us. The pics turned out great, even though the kid really needed a nap. Needless to say she was out before we got 1/2 way down Laurie and Scoot's drive way.

We got back to Provo and dropped Garrett off at home. Becca, lil Mac and I went to Carson's birthday party at Paw's. He is the funniest kid. He tore into that cake like none other. He had some much fun. Morgan had gotten a cup cake cake. It was really good. After cake Carson opened his gifts. Him and lil Mac had fun playing with each other. I got me a cup cake and was helping Aunt Rita clean up the kitchen. Lil Mac wanted a bite of my cup cake so I gave her some. Then she went on her mary way playing with Carson. I was walking through the dinner room and she was following my screaming "bite bite" so I would give her one and she would go back to playing. We left there and went to mom and dad's. Garrett and Becca went over to Heather and CJ's and lil Mac came home with me and Christon.
Monday I had a doctor's appointment. They put me on medication for the gestational diabetes. We also discussed labor and delivery. She said that I could have a C-section but really doesn't want to do that b/c of how much blood I could loose. So she said that to do it vaginally I wouldn't be able to push. Because if I have a bleeder in my brain pushing that hard could cause serious problems. So she said what we would do is let me labor and when it came time for me to push she would just use forceps. She has reassured me that it is safe and the best way for me to deliver. When getting ready to leave I asked the doc if I was starting one day a week appointments. She said yeah we will start seeing you once a week. Well one more doctor came in to give me my prescription and told me that it would be twice a week until I deliver. Christon about freaks. He had had time to get use to the idea of driving to Nashville once a week and then they tell us twice a week. I see the doctor one time a week and have a non-stress test done on the baby and on Friday's I have an ultra sound to measure the fluid and make sure baby is moving fine. We did ask if there was any way we could have the ultra sound done in Bowling Green and they wouldn't let us. So now I go every Tue and Fri. Also I was scheduled to have a MRI that afternoon. So after registration and the long wait to have the test they call me back. I get 15 min into a 2 1/2 hour test and I almost pass out. I was afraid wouldn't be able to do the test to start with. You have to lay on your back the whole time. I can't even get through a ultra sound lying flat on my back. When lying on my back my uterus falls onto my vena cava (sp?) and makes me light headed and I almost pass out. So needless to say I didn't finish the test. Not sure what they are going to do now. I have to have that test so I can have an epidural, which I want more than anything.
I returned to work on Tue. Things weren't that bad b/c I have great coverage when I am gone. Thanks Kathy you really don't know how much I appreciate you helping me. After work I planned to go vote (which is something really important to me). I did have a few errands to run in town before heading to North Butler to vote. So I get to North Butler to vote about 10 til 6 and they tell me I am in the wrong place. They had changed my place to vote to 5th district fire department. There was no way I could make it over there in 10 min to vote. I was furious!!! I told the woman at North Butler that I should have been notified and I left there mad. I went over to Jason and Tiff's to take Emma her birthday gift. I visited with them for awhile and went home.
Well I think that is enough for now. Hope I didn't bore anyone and again I apologist for not updating sooner.

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