Monday, November 17, 2008

Last week was too long....

Even though I only worked my normal 3 days a week, I thought last week would never end.

Saturday was Leigh's baby shower. I was excited to see her and compare Sheena Brown (Lawerence) was also there so the three of us took some silly belly pics together. We had fun playing games and chatting with everyone. Sheena has 2 lil boys already and has a girl on the way. Leigh is staying strong (which would be really hard for me with having an ultrasound every week) and not finding out what she is having. What a surprise they will have when it gets here.

We made are trip to Nashville on Tue, which was not that eventful. Everything went just fine at the doctor's appointment. With the ultrasound I had she did measurements that put him at about 6lbs. After my appointment we went and ate at IHOP and then headed home. We made a stop at Wal-Mart in Franklin after getting gas for $1.89 which was exciting. I had to get a few thing before my stay in the hospital. I didn't have any house shoes or a robe and I still had a few things that the baby needed. I used all my gift cards I got at my showers and paid only $16 for over $200 worth of stuff. Needless to say I felt real good about myself....LOL.

Mom left Tue morning for the Smokie Mountains. She went with the Belmont Ladies Aide. I called her on the way home from Nashville to up date her on my doctor visit and she told me that LeAnn Daugherty had had her baby. She told me that he (I think it was a boy) was born with some serious health issues and asked it I would see if she was at Vandy. Then one of the girls that was with her told her that they had went to Louisville. I do know that he had surgery on Wed. so we need to continue to pray for the Daughtery Family.

We stopped at the shop on the way home. Christon ordered a set of wheels for my new Jeep. I wasn't too happy that he was spending that kind of money on something we didn't have to have. Don't get me wrong I did want a set of wheels but I didn't have to have them now.

Jill and I made another trip to Nashville on Friday. I thought I was having an ultrasound but it was a non-stress test instead. Everything went just fine. I had noticed that I could breathe a lot easier on Thur afternoon so I told the nurse that I thought he had dropped and she said that he had. After my test we went on to Galitin to the River Gate mall to do some shopping. They have huge Motherhood and they were having a sale. I got me a shirt that is very comfortable. We walked the whole mall. Jill was on the hunt for a "My 2nd Christmas" ordiment for Samuel. We found one a Hallmark but Jill forgot her coupon in the truck. So after leaving the mall we went and ate at our usually spot.....Red Lobster. While there we got the phone call that Wendall Embry (John Embry's dad, Beth (Mastin) Embry's father-in-law) had passed and that they were taking Debbie Shane (Jana (Shane) Allen's mother) off life support (she passed today around lunch). Wendall is Debbie's great uncle, so we need to remember that family. Also I was told that Beth and baby IF made it home on Thur but Wendal wasn't able to see her.
We headed back to BG after eating and stopped at K-Mart so Jill could get some diapers and formula. Then we went over to the mall so Jill could go to Hallmark and get Samuel's ordiment. While she was in Hallmark I ran into Old Navy and got me a few things. We got back to Morgantown about 5 pm.

Later Friday night Garrett and Becca brought lil mac over to stay the night with me. Becca had all weekend off and I called and told them I wanted to keep her for them to go out and do something. So they went to the football game and had big plans to do some serious house cleaning on Saturday.

Saturday Christon had to work so me and lil mac hung out around the house all day. Garrett and Becca got to the house that afternoon and hung out until Christon got home. Then we all went out to eat at Texas Road House for my birthday.

Sunday Christon went to the shop and put his new tires on his truck. I went and got him later that day and we ran to Beaver Dam to get shocks for the front of his truck. We got back to town and ate lunch. I dropped him off at the shop and I ran to Pamida to get him some duck tape. I had bought a large wicker basket there last Thur for $15 and thought I would get another one but they weren't on sale anymore. I took him his tape and went home. I stayed on the couch the rest of the night. I wasn't feeling well and tried to take a nap but the phone wouldn't stop ringing. Christon came back to the house and got my Jeep and put the wheels on it. He finally got home about 9pm.

I go back to the doctor tomorrow for my OB check up then later that afternoon I go to get my MRI. I have a lot to do tomorrow and none of it any fun and it is my birthday. Well I think I am going to hit the bed I have to be in Nashville by 10:30am.

Hope everyone has a great week and please remember all the pray request.


Anonymous said...

Thinking of you! Hoping you are feeling good :-)

The Belchers said...

That is horrible about Jana's mom. I had no idea anything was even wrong!! Had she been sick?

Anonymous said...

That baby will be here very soon!!! I can't wait! Did I tell you your pics are awesome!? Before long our two will be playing together. Maybe they won't get into any trouble like we use to ;)