Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Two Doctors Appointments and 2 Test Later

Well it has been awhile since updating and I apologise once again. We have been to see the lung doc and OB again since I last updated.

At my last OB appointment I had gotten my sugar test results back that were 170 and they want them to be 135 or less. So we did another 1 hour test. I got those results back yesterday. NOT good....they were 176 so now I have to get the 3 hour test...YUCK. I have to fast after 12am tonight and be at the hospital by 8am to have blood drawn, then I drink a sugar drink and they draw more blood (like I have enough to go around...LOL) every hour for 3 hours. Did I mention I can't eat until the test is over. Other than that everything is going great. I got my Rh factor shot yesterday, which wasn't fun. I am scheduled for an ultrasound next visit (Oct 21st.). Christon has to work so I am hoping that mom will let Emily skip school and they go with me.

After we left the doctors office we did a little shopping around for strollers. I am wanting the travel system that has the stroller and baby carrier with it but we can seem to agree on one. I know us not agree on something.....LOL. We did find a few that we both liked but the price was to high at the many stores we went to, and I was able to find them cheaper online. The truth he may end up winning this battle b/c I'm still not going to let him name the baby.....LOL

We went to the lung doctor last week. Everything went fine. They wanted me to do a test called a bubble echo. They got us in for that day so after grabbing a bite to eat at McDonald's we went to the cardio diagnostics and waited forever to go back. Then when I finally got back there he told me why I had to wait so long. He wasn't comfortable doing the test on me being pregnant. (Bubble Echocardiogram: A bubble cardiogram is the same procedure as an echocardiogram, except with this test you will have an IV placed in your arm. During certain portions of the imaging, agitated saline is injected into the vein. This enables the cardiologist to see if there is a tiny hole between the upper chambers of the heart, known as a PFO or ASD.) So he was waiting on a cardiac doctor to get back with him. So we went ahead and done the echo but not the bubble part. The doctor finally got back with the tech and they decided not to do the test. So we were done. I go back to the the lung doctor in April next year.

Mom, Becca and Tiffany had me a baby shower this past Sunday. We had fun. I got alot of great stuff. Thanks to everyone who attended and the gifts.

Well I better get back to work. Hope everyone has a great rest of the week.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey! I have you a gift...As soon as I see you. Sorry I missed the shower :-(