Tuesday, October 14, 2008

8 wks and counting....

Well we are into the single digits in the count down for the arrival of baby Howard. That also means that it isn't that far away from Christmas....LOL

I went last week for my 3 hour sugar test. I didn't go so well. I got there and they took my blood for the fasting test, then gave me my sugar drink. It was terrible. The one that I took before wasn't that bad, this one was so sweet and on top of that I had to drink it with in 5 min. Well after I drank that I had to wait 30 min and they would draw blood again. About this time Christon had left and went and got him something to eat. I told him he could eat in there with me b/c there was me and 3 other pregnant women having this same test done and we couldn't eat and that would just be mean. After my 30min stick I was checking my email and my stomach wasn't feeling that great, by this time heart burn had set in. Christon had just gotten back and we were sitting there talking and it hit. I barley made it to the bathroom before throwing everything up. I felt better but I knew this was going to mess up the test. So after cleaning myself up, I went and told them that I had lost everything. She told me ok we are done. I couldn't finish the test. So now I have to do it all over again. I'm not sure when I will be able to, I just have to have it done before I go back to Vandy.

I got up Saturday morning sick at my stomach and it has yet to go away. It just feels like I have morning sickness all over again. I have been told that it could come back during the 3rd trimester. I didn't have it that bad at the beginning, I just felt nauseous but now I am nauseous and throwing up. Who knows.

I think we have a name.....Kenton Riley Howard. The other night I told Christon that we were gonna have to come up with something and he said I guess its going to be Kenton Riley. I wasn't really expecting that to come out of his mouth. I thought we were going to have the same argument we have had for the last 2 months over Memphis, but it wasn't....LOL. Then last night he said he had changed his mind he was still fighting for Memphis, so who knows. I do know that it isn't going to Memphis.....LOL.

Christon started on taping the walls so they can be painted. When we were trying to decide what colors we wanted Christon suggested we paint it tan and have an accent wall in navy blue. I thought that would look really great. Then the other night we are watching tv and he said do you really want to paint that one wall blue? I was like yeah why not. He said it was going to be too much trouble. So now he has changed his mind on that now. Which I am NOT very happy about. I probably won't win this battle b/c they are painting it on Thursday while I am at work BUT I will not allow my child to be named Memphis.....LOLOLOL.

I have alot to get done today so I better get back at it. Hope everyone has a great rest of the week.


Candi said...

These last 8 weeks will fly by :-)
I know you can't wait to see his precious little face...it's the greatest moment ever!! I like the name Kenton Riley; it's cute. I'm not crazy about Memphis either...stick to your guns! LOL!! I painted Lola's room like that; 3 of her walls are painted a light green and one wall is a light purple. Then we painted the ceiling a pale pink. It's cute I think. Good luck!!

Laurie Keen said...

OH I Love the name Kenton Riley Howard....please name him that! that is adorable!!!!

Oh i can't wait.....

Anonymous said...

I like Kenton Riley! I vote for that..it's cute. Memphis just reminds me too much of Gone in 60 seconds! Good luck...I am praying for you!

Anonymous said...

I am Loving Kenton Riley....You know I had Riley picked out for Leevi too. But I never won at the name game!!! But you know my feelings on Mephis...I Like it for a strong and rough middle name!!!